
Just Can't get Started

I have a house over on Valley Brooke and it sits empty ready for new paint and some flooring. I just can't seem to get started on another project. It is cold and snowy and the truck is a hog on ice so I really don't want to get out in it much.
The weather here is not to get above 20 today or tomorrow and the two or three inches of snow should stay for a couple more days. So far, it has managed to clear off between snows and this is the time of year that we should get to keep our snow for a week or two. The good news is that each day is now getting longer and soon it will be warm and nice out.
The other day I was over at the VB house and when I raked up some leaves the Iris underneath had put up some lite green shoots. I'm sure they will freeze off now that they are clear and snow covered. We'll see. If the bird activity at the feeder is any indication it is and will be really cold for a while. We have all manner of birds right now. The only bird that seems to be missing is the Tufted Titmouse. The normal are here in Mass and eat a lot of sunflower seeds from the feeder. Not many of them but the juncos and finches make up for it eating food put on the ground and in the finch feeder. I almost never look out and not see a woodpecker on the suet block. They are going through a feeder full in one and a half to two days.
The father of our renter died this past week. I am going to take a food basket over. I know how nice it is to have lots of extra food so cooking is not a worry. Better get rolling.

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