
Second Round of 100+ Temps.

This week is going to be the second round of 100+ days this summer.  It would be OK if there was some rain in and amongst the hot days.  The bad news is there has been little rain for this month and not a lot predicted.  Shame that some of the rain in Houston didn't make it our way.  

A noon today, the local station was full of news about how the grain prices are up and the cattle prices are down.  There will be smaller amounts of crops this fall without some rain and the farmers are already starting to run out of grass in the field to feed the cattle.  In fact there is a large amount of grass in the CRP program that the farmers in a normal year would do nothing with.  For only a 10% hit, they will be able to hay the set aside ground or to graze cattle on it. 

We can hope things get better but I wouldn't bet on it. 


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