
Just Sayn' Hello

In my little world, I am fairly isolated here at Rabbit Run so when I am out and about I try to say hello to as many people as I can.  I do my best to interject a little civility and a smile into a world that doesn't smile much.  I would say my average for a return response is well over 50%.  I probably get away with this because I'm so large and appear confident while not threatening.  My average return smile with kids in nearer 80%.  I always try to look the parents in the eye and say hi to them too.  If the child turns away I don't ever push them for a positive response. 

The other day I saw a post on Facebook that said it is OK to not be OK.  I tell people that I am Popeye and I Yam what I yam.  Don't come over to me and tell me it is OK to not be OK.  I am responsible for my attitude and I don't want you to pee on my campfire and then tell me it is foggy.  You do your thing and I'll do mine.  After all, my perception is my reality not yours.

Yesterday was my day for chemical warfare.  I sprayed the fruit trees in the orchard and then took my sprayer up to Dave's to spray his trees for bag worms.  Barb had me use the same spray in both places but the orchard spray had a fungicide added it to help with the Cedar Apple Rust on the apple tree.  Seems to be working so far. It was a Malathion mix. Yesterday was a fairly light breeze day and it was fairly easy to spray down wind.  I have a power sprayer from Tractor Supply Company and it will easily spray to the top of the trees at between 35-50 feet.   Probably one of the best things I have purchased if I can now find a new cap for the drain plug on the tank.  I slid it in place one time on the rough cement and it just made it leak.  To add insult to injury, yesterday when I was cleaning out the tank it fell off and I didn't notice it was gone until I got home.  I'll go back and look for it today but even if I find it, I need a replacement. 

Barb is off to the dentist and having her teeth cleaned this morning.  I was looking at the calendar and saw that I have an appointment next Monday for the same thing.   We feel that a little preventative care is worth it in the long race of time.  Both of my parents had their teeth throughout their life.  That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.  Yes, I know the amount of gold in my mouth is a lot of money but beats chewing on/with plastic.

Better run and see what I can get in trouble with today. 


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