
What Kind of a Fan Are You?

If Major League Baseball went away tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear.  I will watch Mixed Marshal Arts fights on TV but wouldn't drive across town to pay to watch.  I am ever so glad that the Professional basketball has reached the finals.  I am afraid that the season will someday stretch into the training season for the next season.  I'll bet they could cut the season down about a month and make almost the same amount of money.

Every year I get to see a little college wrestling and the Softball finals but never seem to get to a game in person.  I could watch the entire woman's basketball season for less than the price of one ticket to watch the men.   The KU athletic program generates over 90 million and are crying wolf that the students want to cut the $25 Athletic fee off their enrollment fee.  That program generates a goodly part of the 13 million dollar excess and I don't think that the loss of $350,000 should unhinge their bubble.  I do want one of those extra seats but it is simply "Follow the Money." 

I guess I should be glad that there are pockets of good news out there and perhaps sports is one way to take our attention off the problems.   Tonight I am going to go to Kansas City to watch the Semi-Pro baseball team play.  People tell me that it is the best value for the money.  We are going to sing the National Anthem watch a game and eat a BBQ dinner for $12.00 each.  Sounds like a bargain to me.

So, I guess I will say that I am a fan of fun, cheap and not too often.

MUD , Take me out to the Ball Game! 

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