
How do they do it?

Yesterday was one of those days that I hope don't re-peat for a while.   It started with falling down in the garage as I carried five heavy glass shelves.  I didn't want to wind up with a lap full of broken glass pieces so I toughed it out and fell on my knuckles rather than drop any of them.  I was lucky but it hurt like hell for a while.  The good news is that there is nothing broken including the glass. 

Dave came over in the afternoon and we put a new fender on his Chevy Cavalier.  He hit a deer a month or so back and that beer can thick fender just rumpled to make the car look like a car ready for a stock car race.  I found a fender in a local salvage and we put it on.   Because the parts on the inside of the fender were broken, it was kind of hard to figure out how to put it back together.  What looked like about a 1 hour job turned into a four hour one.  It was not the work but the getting up and down that really took it's toll.  In the past, I could have done that quicker and it would not have taken its toll on my body.  But, it is done and looks pretty darned good.

Then, I went to sing with the Barbershop chorus at their Monday night practice.   Because the fender took about three hours longer than I planned, I didn't look over the music for that practice and quite frankly I sucked because I didn't know all the words.   Starting today I am going to put the show music in a binder and look at it once a day until our April show.   The good news is that the Chorus is progressing nicely. 

The only real good things is that Barb knows how hard I worked and I have the day off.  We will probably go mail the paid bills, go to the bank and catch a meal out and about.   Might even see if the kids are available for dinner.   They like the Mad Greek in Lawrence and because he works in Lawrence, we can easily meet there.  Now to see if the kids are up to it. 

The start of this blog is the question, "How do they Do It?"  In my younger years I could have days like yesterday back to back and moved on smartly.  Now today I have to take a day off after only working about what a normal day would have been like for those non retired people.  The good news is that I have time to do it.

OK, enough of this Petty Pity Party.  Moving on to bigger and better things.  Probably will go upstairs and yell at the TV as the Price is Right is on. 


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